how to get clients for marketing agency

How to Get Clients for Your Marketing Agency in 2024

Reed DanielsDigital Marketing, Sales

Acquiring new clients is critical for any marketing agency’s growth and sustainability. With over 10 years of experience working both in and for digital agencies, I understand the obstacles that agencies face in consistently bringing in new, profitable business. In this comprehensive guide, I will leverage my experience to provide actionable strategies that you can use to attract more ideal clients for your agency

Wondering how to get clients for a marketing agency? We’re here to help and have outlined everything you need to know in this article. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

With the right tactics, you can build awareness, generate interest, and convert more sales inquiries into long-term clients. A diverse client base also helps mitigate risk and ensures steady revenue even if some accounts reduce spending. By implementing the tips in this guide, you can refine your client acquisition approach to grow your agency in a scalable yet sustainable manner. The key areas we will cover include optimizing your online presence, strategic content marketing, forming partnerships, paid ads and SEO, offering free trials, highlighting client success stories, and tracking your efforts. With a solid game plan and consistent execution, you can continuously expand your clientele and take your agency to the next level.

Understand Your Target Audience

The most critical step in acquiring new clients for your marketing agency is taking the time to clearly identify and understand your ideal target audience. Before executing any client acquisition strategies, you need to develop a detailed profile of who your best-fit clients are.

Start by asking questions like:

  • What industry/field are they in?
  • What size companies (revenue, employees, etc)?
  • What challenges are they facing?
  • What goals are they trying to achieve?
  • What marketing capabilities do they currently have in-house vs. outsourced?

Really dig deep into their pain points and motivations for seeking outside marketing expertise. Also look at common characteristics across your existing ideal clients – are there any trends in company size, services utilized, challenges faced?

With this buyer persona fully fleshed out, you can tailor your entire client acquisition strategy accordingly. This includes messaging and content that directly speaks to their needs, marketing on channels and platforms they actively use, and designing service packages that align with their goals. An ideal customer profile acts as the north star guiding your sales and marketing approach.

The time invested upfront in understanding your target audience always pays dividends through more qualified leads and higher conversion rates. Avoid the temptation to cast a wide net to anyone and everyone. Focus your efforts on identifying and attracting your ideal clients that you can provide the most value to.

Build a Strong Online Presence

A strong online presence is crucial for attracting new clients to your marketing agency. You need to have an optimized website and improve your SEO rankings to establish your agency as an authority in your niche.

First, ensure your website is designed to convert visitors into leads and customers. The homepage should clearly communicate your services, positioning, and value proposition. Include strong calls-to-action for visitors to contact your agency or sign up for a newsletter. Optimize page load speeds and ensure your website is mobile-friendly and accessible.

Next, focus on improving your SEO rankings by optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, content, and technical elements. Conduct keyword research to identify high-intent buyer keywords and optimize your pages for ranking. Produce regular blog content and guides to boost organic traffic.

With a robust online presence you can establish authority and gain visibility to attract more clients.

Leverage Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways for marketing agencies to demonstrate expertise, build trust, and attract ideal clients. Agencies can organically reach and engage their target audience by consistently creating valuable, relevant content and distributing it through multiple channels.

Companies that align their sales and marketing strategies can save up to 30% on acquisition costs and increase their customers’ lifetime value by 20% on average. Some key content marketing tactics for agencies include:

Blog Regularly

  • Commit to blogging frequently on your agency’s website. For example, publish blog posts 1-2 times per week.
  • Write blog posts that provide helpful tips, insights, and actionable advice for your target audience. Avoid overly promotional posts.
  • Optimize blog content for SEO by including targeted keywords in titles, headers, meta descriptions, alt text, and content.
  • Promote your blog content through social media, email newsletters, and other channels to maximize reach.

Create Guides and eBooks

  • Develop in-depth guides, ebooks, and other long-form content around topics that resonate with your audience. For example, “The Complete Guide to Choosing a Marketing Agency.”
  • Gate this content behind an email signup form to capture leads.
  • Promote your guides and offer them as free downloads in exchange for contact information.

Host Webinars and Videos

  • Host free webinars for your target audience on relevant marketing topics. Provide valuable information and position your agency as thought leaders.
  • Record webinars and chop them into smaller videos to repurpose the content.
  • Upload videos to YouTube, embed them on your website, and promote them across social channels.

By consistently creating content that educates and engages your target audience, you can attract and convert high-quality leads into clients for your agency. Treat your content as an investment in lead generation rather than an expense.

Network and Form Partnerships

Networking with other professionals in your industry is a great way to meet potential clients and referral partners for your marketing agency. Here are some tips for effective networking:

Attend Industry Events

Attending conferences, trade shows, and other events related to your field allows you to connect directly with prospects and build relationships. Come prepared with plenty of business cards and marketing materials to share. Actively participate in sessions and networking activities to showcase your expertise. Follow up promptly with any promising connections.

Identify Strategic Partners

Look for opportunities to partner with complementary businesses that could refer clients to you. These may include web developers, graphic designers, PR agencies, and others whose services align with yours. Offer to reciprocate by referring clients to them as well. Forming these strategic partnerships expands your reach.

Join Online Communities

Active participation in LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, and other online communities related to your industry helps establish your agency as a thought leader. Share insights, provide value to other members, and build relationships. Done right, this can organically lead to new client opportunities.

Leveraging events, partnerships, and communities to expand your network is an important component of an effective client acquisition strategy. Proactively putting yourself out there increases awareness of your agency’s capabilities and helps drive new business.

Utilizing Paid Advertising and SEO

Paid advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) are two powerful tactics that marketing agencies can leverage to attract more clients.

Paid Advertising

  • Google Ads and Facebook Ads allow you to target your ideal customers based on location, interests, job titles, and more. Create highly targeted ads focused on the services you provide.
  • Retargeting campaigns help you reconnect with website visitors through ads on other sites. This increases brand awareness and the likelihood of conversion.
  • Consider hiring a PPC expert to manage campaigns if you lack expertise in-house. The ROI usually outweighs the costs.

Local SEO

  • Optimize your website and content for local SEO terms related to your city, services, and industry. This helps you rank higher in local search results.
  • Claim and optimize your Google My Business and other directory listings. This gives you a presence on Google Maps/Search.
  • Build local citations and earn reviews to establish yourself as a leading local agency.
  • Sponsoring local events and networking groups can improve local SEO. Interact and sponsor strategically.
  • Hire a local SEO specialist to audit and provide ongoing optimization of your local assets for maximum visibility and lead generation.

Creating and Using Marketing Collaterals

Having professional marketing materials is crucial for establishing credibility and attracting potential clients. Here are some of the key collateral to focus on:

Business Cards

Well-designed business cards showcase your brand and make it easy for prospects to contact you. Include your logo, tagline, website, phone number, and social media handles. Consider having cards printed on thicker stock or using special finishes to stand out. Always have cards readily available to hand out at networking events, sales meetings, and other opportunities.


An agency brochure allows you to highlight your services, past work, testimonials, and other selling points in an informative, visually compelling format. Keep brochure content focused on your ideal customer and what problems you can solve for them. Use images, graphics, charts, and minimal text to create an easy-to-digest overview of your agency. Printed brochures can be handed out or mailed to prospects while digital brochures can be shared online.

Sales Kits

Compile a professional sales kit containing your business card, brochure, service descriptions, case studies, and other relevant materials. Having all this information neatly packaged makes it easy to leave behind with prospects after an initial meeting and gives them something tangible to reference later on. The kit serves as a self-contained overview of your agency.

Offering Value through Free Consultations or Trials

Offering free consultations or trial services is an excellent way for marketing agencies to demonstrate their capabilities and attract potential clients. By providing value upfront at no cost, you build trust and give prospects a risk-free opportunity to experience your services first-hand.

Some ways to leverage free consultations and trials include:

  • Offer a 30-60 minute free consultation where you discuss the prospect’s needs, goals, and challenges. Provide strategic recommendations and advice to showcase your expertise.
  • Give away a free audit of their current marketing efforts, website, SEO, etc. Present an analysis of opportunities and a high-level plan to improve results.
  • Offer a free trial of your services, whether it’s managing their social media for 2 weeks or developing a mini marketing campaign. This allows prospects to sample your work.
  • For larger or longer-term projects, consider providing the initial phase or setup for free, then billing for ongoing work. This gets your foot in the door.
  • Host a free webinar, workshop or training for prospects to learn about a relevant topic. Position your agency as thought leaders.

The key is to provide real value during free consultations and trials – not just a sales pitch. Be helpful, strategic and professional. This will impress prospects and convert many into paying clients. Follow up promptly with attendees to capitalize on the momentum.

With some preparation and creativity, offering free consultations and trials can be an impactful tactic to acquire new clients for your marketing agency. Dedicate time and resources to do it right. The investment will pay dividends as you build your client roster.

Client Testimonials and Case Studies

Client testimonials and case studies are incredibly effective for attracting new clients and building trust. By showcasing your successful work for existing clients, you demonstrate expertise and establish credibility.

Some tips for leveraging client testimonials and case studies:

  • Get client testimonials – Ask happy clients if they are willing to provide a testimonial quote or video testimonial describing their experience working with your agency. Include these prominently on your website.
  • Create case studies – Develop in-depth case studies highlighting successful projects with clients. Explain the client’s needs, your process and solution, and the results achieved. Use visuals to make them more engaging. Publish case studies on your site and promote them on social media.
  • Use in proposals – Include relevant case studies and testimonials in proposals to showcase your expertise. This builds trust with prospects considering hiring you.
  • Repurpose creatively – Turn client quotes into shareable social media graphics. Create a video compilation of testimonials. Find ways to repurpose and maximize existing testimonials.
  • Update regularly – Continue building your portfolio of case studies and testimonials over time. Refresh them regularly to include new clients and projects.
  • Get permission – Always get written permission before using a client’s name, logo or testimonial. Follow best practices to protect their brand and your relationship.

Effective client testimonials and case studies are some of the most powerful tools for attracting new clients, establishing credibility, and showcasing your agency’s abilities. Invest time in developing them as part of your overall marketing strategy.

Track and Improve

It’s crucial for marketing agencies to continuously track and optimize their client acquisition efforts. Here are some tips:

Define key metrics to track

  • Number of leads generated from each channel (e.g. content marketing, paid ads, referrals)
  • Lead-to-client conversion rates for each channel
  • Cost per lead for paid channels
  • Website traffic and engagement metrics (e.g. time on site, pages per visit)

Continuously optimize your process

  • Review metrics regularly to identify the most and least effective tactics
  • Double down on tactics working well, and refine or eliminate those underperforming
  • Test new channels, offers, and partnerships to improve results
  • Listen to prospect and client feedback to identify areas for improvement
  • Stay up-to-date on digital marketing trends and best practices

By diligently tracking performance and optimizing over time, agencies can refine their client acquisition process for maximum results. The key is to take an iterative, data-driven approach.

Now That You Know How to Get Clients for Marketing Agency

Understanding and implementing effective client acquisition strategies are crucial for the growth and sustainability of marketing agencies. By leveraging referrals, aligning sales and marketing teams, and embracing the power of digital tools, agencies can significantly enhance their client base and market presence. Remember, the approach that blends both traditional and innovative strategies tends to yield the best results. If you’re looking to optimize your client acquisition strategies or need personalized advice tailored to your unique agency needs, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s Talk and take your agency to the next level.